Tip: To navigate easily on a computer, press Ctrl+F to open the word search, and type in the topic you're looking for. These contacts are also available in office or upon request. If you need resources for topics not listed here, feel free to reach out to me at yourmassagesanctuary@gmail.com
Resource List Table of Contents
✨Suggest resources or categories/topics to be added, or give feedback on resources listed here -> https://forms.gle/QLAjfhQJo8oH96uA7
General Resources
Mental Health……………………………………………………………...
Poison Control……………………………………………………………..
Child Abuse…………………………………………………………………..
Disability Related Support……………………………………..
Eating Disorder Support………………………………………….
Elder Abuse/ Elder Care Support………………………...
Health Related……………………………………………………………..
Situational and Experiential Needs
Domestic Violence Support…………………………………..
Assault and Human Trafficking…………………………...
Crime, Injury, and Trauma Survivors…………………..
Disaster Distress………………………………………………………….
Housing Insecurity/Homeless……………………………….
Pro-Choice/Termination Info………………………………...
Veteran Resources……………………………………………………..
CPR and First Aid Training……………………………………..
Narcan/Overdose Response Training………………..
Community Specific: Culturally Competent Care
Asian and Asian American Pacific Islander…….
Black and African American Resources…………..
Immigrant Resources……………………………………………...
Indigenous Resources……………………………………………..
Jewish Resources……………………………………………………...
Latino/Latinx and Hispanic Resources……………..
LGBT Resources………………………………………………………....
Muslim Resources …………………………………………………….
Women’s Health Concerns……………………………………
Hotlines, Support, and Resource Groups
Disclaimer: Sanctuary Repose is not affiliated with any of the following resources. This is a compiled list based on online searches to help various communities and individuals through difficult experiences.
In Maryland Call 211 or Text your zipcode to 898-211 or visit https://211md.org/ for help with:
Housing and Shelter
Utility Assistance
Mental and Physical Healthcare
Substance Use
Aging Needs
Disability Needs
Legal and Tax Services
Veterans Needs
Children and Family Needs
Domestic or Family Violence
Mental Health:
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK)
Baltimore City Crisis Response: 410-433-5175 (MD Relay Dial 711) for mental health crisis and substance use help
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
Crisis Text Line: Text CONNECT to 741741
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness): 1-800-950-NAMI
(Book sold on Amazon) How I Stayed Alive When My Brain Was Trying To Kill Me by Susan Rose Blauner
Maryland’s Crisis line: Call 211 and select option 1, text your zip code 898-211, or visit 211MD.org
Suicide National Hopeline (USA): 1-800-784-2433
International Bipolar Foundation: 1-800-784-2433
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Info Line: Dedicated to research and education on trauma and PTSD. ptsd.va.gov 1-802-296-6300
Maryland Coalition of Families Support Groups for various topics such as young adults, families who lost loved ones to overdose, impacted by problem gambling, impacted by substance use, support group in Spanish on Wednesdays, and more: http://www.mdcoalition.org/get-help-now/parent-caregiver-support-groups
Poison Control:
Maryland: 1-800-222-1222
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
RESTART: Specializes in treatment for technology related addictions including gaming, social media and VR 1-800-682-6934
800 Alcohol: The nationwide, 24-hour admission and referral line. 800-ALCOHOL
800 Cocaine: 1-800-COCAINE
Al-Anon: Worldwide fellowship that offers a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help. al-anon.org 1-800-356-9996 [Alteen] 1-800-344-2666 [Family Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous: Helps alcoholics "stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety aa.org (410)272-4150 24 hour hotline or use site to look up the local number near you
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment: The mission of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment is to promote community-based substance abuse treatment and recovery services for individuals and families in every community. samhsa.gov 1-800-662-HELP
Compulsive Gambling Hotline: The National Council on Problem Gambling operates the National Problem Gambling Helpline Network (1-800-522-4700). The network is a single national access point to local resources for those seeking help for a gambling problem. ncpgambling.org 1-410-332-1111
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence ncadd.org 1-800-NCA-CALL [(1-800-622-2255)]
National Council on Sexual Addiction/Compulsivity: Nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting public and professional awareness and understanding of addictive/compulsive sexual behavior and its associated negative consequences. sash.net 1-800-321-2066
Relapse Prevention Hotline: 1-800-RELAPSE
Lanier Law Group: Offering legal assistance for impacts and losses due to social media addiction https://www.lanierlawfirm.com/social-media-addiction/statistics/ 1-800-723-3216
Boca Recovery Center: Free web resource and 24/7 helpline that provides information and support to people fighting physical, emotional, or sexual abuse and addiction https://bocarecoverycenter.com/addiction/addiction-domestic-violence/ 1-(800) 516-4357
Boys Town National Hotline: 1-800-448-3000 for adolescents and parents of adolescents with PTSD
National Runaway Safeline: The mission of the National Runaway Safeline (NRS) is to help keep America’s runaway, homeless and at-risk youth safe and off the streets. 1800runaway.org 1-800-786-2929
Teen Line: If you have a problem or just want to talk with another teen who understands, then this is the right place for you! https://teenlineonline.org/ 1-800-852-8336 or Text "TEEN" to 839863 between 6:00pm-9:00pm PST
Child Abuse:
Baltimore Child Abuse Center: 410-396-6147
Baltimore City Child Protective Services: 410-361-2235
Baltimore County Child Protective Services: 410-887-8463
Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-a-child or 1-800-422-4453
Child Protective Services by State https://www.childhelp.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/CPS-Reporting-June-2018.pdf
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children is a non—profit 501(c)(3) corporation whose mission is to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization. missingkids.com 1-800-843-5678
Disability Related Support:
Americans with Disabilities Act Helpline: 1-800-949-4232
Americans with Disabilities Act Information and Assistance Hotline: 1-800-514-0301 800-514-0383 (TTY), International 1-202-541-0301
National Rehabilitation Information Center: The library of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). naric.com 1-800-34-NARIC
Eating Disorder Support:
National Eating Disorders Association: (USA) 1-800-931-2237
Elder Abuse/ Elder Care:
Baltimore City Adult Protective Services: 410-361-5000
Baltimore City Health Department: Aging and CARE Services 410-396-2273
Baltimore County Adult Protective Services: 410-887-TIME (8463)
Baltimore County Department of Aging: 410-887-2594
Alzheimer’s Disease Education & Referral Center: Service of the federal government's National Institute on Aging (NIA), one of the National Institutes of Health. Provides accurate, up-to-date info about Alzheimer's disease (AD) to patients, families, caregivers, health care providers, and the public 800-438-4380
Health Related:
CDC National HIV & AIDS Hotline: A service of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), offers access to the latest HIV/AIDS information for health care providers, researchers, people affected by HIV/AIDS, and the general public. cdc.gov 1-800-342-2437
Cancer Information Service: Provides a personalized, confidential responses to specific questions about cancer. cancer.gov 1-800-4-CANCER
National Health Information Center: helps connect health professionals and consumers to the organizations that can best answer their questions by providing up-to-date contact information for the most reliable resources. health.gov 1-800-336-4797
Mesothelioma Hope (emotional support for terminal cancer patients and families): https://www.mesotheliomahope.com/resources/emotional-support/ (855) 722-2974
Situational and Experiential Needs
Domestic Violence Support:
Baltimore County Domestic Violence Hotline 410-828-6390
DOVE (Domestic Violence Program) at Northwest Hospital: 410-496-7555
Family Violence Program at Sinai Hospital: 410-601-8692
WEAVE Crisis Intervention For Domestic Violence and Sex Trafficking/Sexual Assault: 24-Hour Support and Information Line offers immediate intervention and support by trained peer counselors. Help is available in over 23 languages. (916)-920-2952
MAP (Maryland Access Point-Baltimore City): 410-396-2273
MAP (Maryland Access Point): 1-844-627-5465
Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence: 310-429-3601
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 TTY 1-800-787-3224
National Network to End DV: T: 202.543.5566
Survivors of Incest Anonymous: A resource for survivors of child sexual abuse siawso.org 1-410-282-3400
Assault & Human Trafficking Support:
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Program at GBMC: 443-849-3323
Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault: 301-565-2277
RAINN: 800-656-4673 (HOPE) or chat online at online.rainn.org.
SARC (Sexual Assault/Spouse Abuse Resource Center): 410-836-8430
Turnaround: 443-279-0379
Boca Recovery Center: A free web resource and 24/7 helpline that provides information and support to people fighting physical, emotional, or sexual abuse and addiction https://bocarecoverycenter.com/addiction/addiction-domestic-violence/ 1-(800) 516-4357
Cybersmile: 1-800-273-8255 ·
Crime, Injury, and Trauma Survivors:
VictimConnect: A referral helpline where crime victims can learn about their rights and options confidentially and compassionately. victimconnect.org 1-855-4-VICTIM [(1-855-484-2846)]
Office for Victims of Crime, Directory of Crime Victim Services: Helps find nonemergency crime victim service agencies in the United States and abroad. ovc.gov 202-307-5983 800-851-3420 [OVC Resource Center]
Identity Theft Resource Center: supports victims of identity theft in resolving their cases, and to broaden education and awareness in the understanding of identity theft, data breaches, cyber security, scams/fraud and privacy issues. idtheftcenter.org 1-888-400-5530
Internet Crime Complaint Center: A reporting mechanism to submit information to the FBI concerning suspected Internet-facilitated criminal activity and to develop effective alliances with law enforcement and industry partners. ic3.gov (202) 278-2000 [FBI (Washington DC)]
American Trauma Society: The American Trauma Society is dedicated to the elimination of needless death and disability from injury. amtrauma.org 1-800-556-7890
Center for Victims of Torture: 877.265.8775 https://www.cvt.org/resources/torture-survivors
International Association for Near: Death Studies- focuses most of its resources into providing the highest quality information available about NDE-related subjects. iands.org 1-860-882-1211
Brain Injury Foundation: biausa.org 1-800-444-NHIF
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: Mission is to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization. missingkids.com 1-800-843-5678
Disaster Distress:
Disaster Distress Helpline: SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. samhsa.gov 1-800-985-5990
Housing Insecurity/Homeless:
MD Homeless Hotline and emergency shelter: 888-731-0999 301-864-7095
MD HUD Service Locator: Visit for help with shelter, housing counselor, rental assistance, utility bill help, food banks, legal assistance, veteran needs, and more https://www.hud.gov/states/maryland/homeless 202-708-1455
Healthcare for the Homeless: https://www.hchmd.org/ 410-837-5533
National Runaway Safeline: The mission of the National Runaway Safeline (NRS) is to help keep America’s runaway, homeless and at-risk youth safe and off the streets. 1800runaway.org 1-800-786-2929
Maryland 2-1-1: Helps find shelter and various other needs during housing insecurity or crisis Call 211, or text your zip code to 898-211 https://211md.org/
Pro-Choice/Terminations Info and Support:
Pro-Choice Maryland: 1-800-772-9100 prochoicemd.org
American Pregnancy Association: Americanpregnancy.org (800) 672-2296
Victims of Crime: Chat or Call https://chat.victimsofcrime.org/victim-connect/ 1-855-4VICTIM (1-855-484-2846)
"Friends for Survival" Suicide Loss Helpline: A non-profit bereavement outreach organization available to those who are grieving a suicide death of family or friends. They also assist professionals who work with those who are grieving a suicide tragedy. Organized by and for survivors,all staff and volunteers have been directly impacted by a suicide death. https://friendsforsurvival.org/ Number: (800)-646-7322
Parents of Murdered Children: pomc.com 1-888-818-7662
Mesothelioma Hope (emotional support for terminal cancer patients and families): https://www.mesotheliomahope.com/resources/emotional-support/ (855) 722-2974
Veteran Resources:
Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 Press Option 1
Veterans Crisis Online Chat: https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help/chat
PTSD Coach App: to help manage symptoms of sleep, trauma reminders, and anger https://www.ptsd.va.gov/appvid/mobile/ptsdcoach_app.asp (Desktop version also available)
Local Resources for Veterans Directory: https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help/local-resources
National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Info Line: Dedicated to research and education on trauma and PTSD. ptsd.va.gov 1-802-296-6300
CPR and First Aid Training:
Online CPR and First Aid: https://www.nationalcprfoundation.com/
Search for a class near you (online or in person): www.redcross.org
Narcan Training (for Overdose Response):
Opiod Overdose Response Training classes at: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/health/events/odresponse.html
***Getting Narcan (naloxone) to use in case of emergency does not require official training in Baltimore. Go to a pharmacy and request a standing order to bill your insurance, even if the Narcan is for someone else or to have on hand. Training is still recommended for preparedness in emergency situations.
REACH Call if you or someone you know is in imminent need of Naloxone: 410-887-3224
Community Specific: Culturally Competent Care
Asian & Asian American Pacific Islander Resources:
Asian Lifenet Crisis Hotline- (Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, and Fujianese): 1-877-990-8585
The Asian Mental Health Collective: Therapist directory, resources, and informative blogs https://www.asianmhc.org/apisaa
National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association Resource list: https://www.naapimha.org/general-resources
NaFFA Asian Hate Crime Task Force Support Line: Provides support for victims and survivors of Asian hate crime 202-718-5838 report.hate@naffaa.org
Stop AAPI Hate: Hate crime reporting service (multilingual): https://stopaapihate.org/
Resources for AAPI bullying victims and their parents: https://aapaonline.org/resources/bullying-awareness-campaign/
Asian Americans Advancing Justice: Hate crime reporting service (multilingual): https://www.standagainsthatred.org/
South Asian Therapy Directory: https://southasiantherapists.org/
NQAPIA: For LGBT Asian and Pacific Islander Community Resources, and Healer/Therapist Directory https://www.nqapia.org/wpp/
Visibility Project: Community visibility projects and resources for LGBT Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Immigrants http://www.visibilityproject.org/resources/
Coming Out resource for LGBT AAPI: https://assets2.hrc.org/files/assets/resources/HRC-Coming_Out-API-FINAL-web-2018.pdf
Asian American Health Initiative: Resource Library for mental and physical health https://aahiinfo.org/aahi-resources/
AAPA Resource sheets: For varying topics in AAPI communities (partner violence, sui*, bullying, 1st gen college students, international students, etc) https://aapaonline.org/publications/fact-sheets/
Black & African American Resources:
The Steve Fund for Young People of Color Crisis Text Line: Text STEVE to 741741
Black Doctor Directory: For all types of healthcare, not limited to mental health https://blackdoctor.org/
NAMI on Black and African American Mental Health: https://www.nami.org/Your-Journey/Identity-and-Cultural-Dimensions/Black-African-American Crisis Hotline 800-950-NAMI
BEAM Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective: https://www.beam.community/talktosomeone
BlackLine for Black Queer and Transfemme or LGBT Folx: 1 (800) 604-5841 callblackline.com
Black Mental Health Alliance: (410) 338-2642 https://blackmentalhealth.com/
Ebony on Black mental health resources: https://www.ebony.com/life/black-mental-health-resources/
Black Men Heal: 8 Free therapy sessions for Black men https://blackmenheal.org/ (May have waiting list)
Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation Mental Health Provider List for Maryland: https://borislhensonfoundation.org/resource-guide/?wpbdp_view=search&kw=&wpbdp_location=maryland
Therapy for Black Girls: Search directory by location https://providers.therapyforblackgirls.com/
Melanin and Mental Health: Black and LatinX therapy and mental health resources https://www.melaninandmentalhealth.com/resources/
Therapy That Liberates: therapythatliberates.com
Immigrant Resources:
League of United Latin American Citizens: Immigration Tool Kit, explanations of rights, programs and support groups, and various other resources https://lulac.org/advocacy/issues/immigration/
South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) Rapid Response network: To the end of detention, surveillance, and prejudice against detainees, migrants, and immigrants https://saalt.org/sarr/
Migra (Immigration Enforcement):Call if you or someone you know has been arrested by ICE. You will be connected with local resources 1–844-363‑1423
SAALT: Info and Resources for families impacted by ICE https://saalt.org/detained-immigrants-know-your-rights-resources/
Notifica App: In case of ICE Arrest, add friends and family members to send mass text
Indigenous Resources:
StrongHearts Native Helpline: peer support helpline for domestic, dating, and sexual violence in Indigenous communities 1-844-762-8483
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center: niwrc.org 1-406-477-3896 855-649-7299
Indian Country Child Trauma Center: Resources for breaking cycles of abuse affecting Indigenous Youth 405-271-8858 405-271-2931
Indian Health Service: Resources on Indigenous Healthcare https://www.ihs.gov/forpatients/
Jewish Resources:
Jewish Community Services Baltimore: Mental Health, Disability, Financial, and other resources 410-466-9200
CHANA: 410-234-0030 chanabaltimore.org
Jewish Women International: 202-857-1300
JQ International Hotline: Inclusive Resources for LGBT Jewish people 855-574- 4577 https://jqinternational.org/
Latino/Latinx & Hispanic Resources:
Su Familia Helpline: Bilingual Assistance in Navigating the Healthcare System 1-866-783-2645 https://www.healthyamericas.org/help-line
Zen For Change: Clinic for Latinas in Baltimore specializing in trauma, culture, and sexuality 443-326-9018 http://zenforchange.com/
Latino Providers Network: For various different healthcare needs https://latinoprovidersnetwork.wildapricot.org/directory
Latino Economic Development Center: For individual financial and small business assistance https://www.ledcmetro.org/smallbusiness
National Alliance for Hispanic Health: Resources for various health needs- cancer, COVID, depression, diabetes, disaster recovery, etc https://www.healthyamericas.org/
Therapy for LatinX: Resources and Therapist directory https://www.therapyforlatinx.com/mentalhealthhotlines
Psychology Today: Hispanic and Latino Therapist Directory https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/hispanic-and-latino
American Society of Hispanic Psychiatry: Provider Directory http://www.americansocietyhispanicpsychiatry.com/find-a-physician/
Melanin and Mental Health: Black and LatinX therapy and mental health resources https://www.melaninandmentalhealth.com/resources/
Mental Health America: Scroll to the bottom for Spanish Language healthcare material and information https://www.mhanational.org/issues/latinxhispanic-communities-and-mental-health
Maryland Coalition of Families Support Groups: In Spanish Sesiones en español: Cuarto miércoles de cada mes, 5:00 - 7:00 PM. http://www.mdcoalition.org/get-help-now/parent-caregiver-support-groups
LGBT Resources:
The Trevor Project for LGBT Crisis Assistance (focuses on 25 y/o and younger): 1-866-488-7386 or Text START to 678678 https://www.thetrevorproject.org/about/
Pride Institute LGBTQ Dependency Substance Dependency Organization: https://pride-institute.com/lgbtq-recovery-programs/ (800)-547-7433
LGBT National Youth Hotline (ages 23 and under): Free and Confidential peer support for the LGBTQ and questioning community ages 23 and younger. https://www.glbthotline.org/talkline.html 800-246-7743
LGBT National Hotline for all ages: A safe space that is anonymous and confidential where callers can speak on many different issues and concerns including, but limited to, coming out issues, gender and/or sexuality identities, relationship concerns, bullying, workplace issues, HIV/AIDS anxiety, safer sex information, suicide, and much more. https://www.glbthotline.org/national-hotline.html 888-843-4564
True Colors United: Focuses on supporting homeless youth. They have a hotline but you can also reach out to them for other resources. https://truecolorsunited.org (212)-461-4401
Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860 https://translifeline.org/
BlackLine for Black Queer and Transfemme LGBT Folx: 1 (800)604-5841 callblackline.com
Muslim Resources:
Naseeha Islam focused support hotline: 1 (866) 627-3342
Women’s Health Concerns:
Office on Women’s Health: 1-800-994-9662