Sanctuary Repose Resource Center
This is an online community center focused on healthcare access and alleviating financial struggles. The information is in a blog post format, where I list and write educational material for patients and providers, as well as helpful tips and tricks for overcoming financial and medical hardship. Most of the information is a combination of what I've learned through personal experience and struggle, as well as from being in different medical professions. Use this like a small online library, any time you need. And pass the info on!
Much love,
Jonathan Bowling, LMT
Owner and Practitioner at Sanctuary Repose Massage Therapy
Crisis Related hotlines, contacts for mental health, community-related needs, and support for traumatic situations can be found in this post here. A copy of this list is also available by contacting me. In case of an emergency, mental or physical, please call 911.
There's a lot of info here! Below is a brief description of what each category contains. NOTICE: None of the information provided on this website is medical advice. It is only meant for educational purposes.
Finding Care: Flexible and unique programs, expanding options to choose from for healthcare, and local providers for specific needs.
Aid Programs: Local, state, and federal programs that can help when you can't afford healthcare.
Emergency Health Education: Do your part! See how and where to get trained on emergency response- CPR, First Aid, Narcan (for overdose), etc. Learn about other emergency situations like anaphylaxis and how to help someone administer an Epi-Pen.
Mental Health: Various resources for mental health and substance recovery, including flexible options, ways to find providers, and self help tips.
Health Insurance: Information on how to get health insurance, how health insurance works in our current system, terminology, the differences between types of plans, and other useful information when maximizing benefits or disputing insurance refusals.
Medical Bills: Tips on how to handle medical bills that are hard to afford, and information on how medical billing works to stay educated on the system.
Pharmacy: Information on pharmacy discounts, how to find the best prices when uninsured or underinsured, and information/studies on over the counter or more accessible medications. (Remember to speak with a pharmacist, physician, or other authorized healthcare professional before starting any new medications!)
Life on a Budget: Not just medical! General tips for ways to save money, low cost alternatives, and expanding access to your needs when finances are tough.
Community: Local Baltimore and Maryland businesses, and community resources and businesses for various marginalized groups.
Studies and Massage Education: Information for massage therapists and patients who want to learn more. Many studies show how massage affects the body, its power and its limitations, and how it can aid in specific conditions. There will also be diversity education here for massage therapists to better assist a wider range of clients and support other therapists.​​​​​​
1) Enter
Enter the Resource Center Blog by pressing the button in the description above, the menu at the top of this page, or clicking here.
2) Select Category
Use the Category Menu at the top of the blog window to select the category of interest.
3) Search with keywords
Type keywords in the search bar of the blog area to search specific topics within the category, or you can just browse the whole category.
4) Read up!
Read through the posts and take note of anything you find helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by email here!